11 th House of the horoscope.

Horoscope 1 st house

11th house of the horoscope describe about income, friends, social status, wishes and interest, advisors and advices, elders, life partners, intelligence and calf of in the body.

Planets are in the 11th house of the horoscope


Sun is in the 11th house of the horoscope shows they have relationships with government. Elders, higher people and their boss will be helps to them. They are very enthusiasm. They are like to associate with high people and live highly. They will be friend with powerful person. They are famous from their talent. They will earn lot after year 30. They are like to political and they very proud.


Moon is in the 11th house of the horoscope shows they are like to associate with general public. So they can easily find friends. But friendship is not having long time. They will married lovable partner and live happy. Their income is not permanent. But sometimes they have more income. They are very close to sisters. They have ear problem. They have property and big house.


Mercury is in the 11th house of the horoscope shows they are love to book and be wise. They have younger and wise friend. They will be earning from using their brain. They earn lot step by step. Their some friends are not very trustful. They are not like to live urban place. They are like to live near the town.


Venus is in the 11th house of the horoscope shows they are social workers. They are always doing social works. They can easily find friends. Especially they have girlfriends. They work like a representative. They earn lot and live very comfortable. They have lot of people. They will be famous and more people help to them.


Mars is in the 11th house of the horoscope shows they are having few friends. They earn money with hard working. They will earn money from gem or graphite. They never associate with social. But they will try to make social .so they are not face to social work. They are less brothers and sisters.


Jupiter in the 11th house of the horoscope shows they are having truthful friends. They have lot of help from their friends. They earn money very easily. They are partner is very wise person. They are having eminent hope. They live very proud.


Saturn is in the 11th house of the horoscope shows their friends are elder than them. Their friends are help to them but only advice to them. They will earn lot in their old time. They will be famous from others because their good qualities. They will never give up their hope.

Dragons Head ("Rahu")

Dragons Head is the 11th house of the horoscopes shows they are very talent to earn. They will associate with various people. Their get cheated but they will get lot of profit. They are not help to social work.

Dragons Tail ("Kethu")

Dragon tail is the 11th house of the horoscope shows their having educated wise and calm friends. They are not like to be friends with anybody. They will earn from education or using brain. They are not get cheated. They are having good features. They will earn from they are property.