4 th House of the horoscope.

4th house of the horoscope describe about properly, lands, houses, family life, environment, mother and cousins, chest, mind, end of the life, wealth and health.
Planets are in the 4th house of the horoscope
Sun is in the 4th house of the horoscope shows not grief heart quickly. They are less associate with their relations. They don’t like to second their relation. Not good for their mother from them, but they had property from father. Their hearts are very strong. They had warm near to the heart. They will be famous in the mid age. They live with high or great people.
Moon is in the 4th house of the horoscope shows very close to mother. They can take help from their mothers. They have a melted heart. They had phlegm in the heart. They had property and live beautiful new house. Mostly they change their living place but it helps to develop their future.
Mercury is in the 4th house of the horoscope shows be wise. They like to learn and dancing, singing. They have changed their living place. They never like cheat lie and they speak true at every time. They like to live two or three story house. They like to small vehicles. They are very intelligent.
Venus is in the 4th house of the horoscope shows less mental problems. Their mother is good from them. Mother more love to them. They had most beautiful fulfill house. They are clean their house. They are not very cruel. They are very calm and quite. Their marriage and marriage life are very happy. They will have property their elder age.
Mars is in the 4th house of the horoscope shows very angry people. They not learn well. Always they are struggling. They are arguing with relations. They treat well to brothers. Their mother is not good from them. Their mother has short life span. They like to property and have some.
Jupiter in the 4th house of the horoscope shows they be famous in their relations. They will have house and property. They will live big house in elder age. Their family life is well. They are never arguing with others. Their children will develop.
Saturn is in the 4th house of the horoscope shows they are very patient and careful. But some time is sad. They are help to relation. But relations are not help to them. They will have heart problem. They are parent are unfruitful from them. But will have property from their parents. They will have property after they matured. But they were unhappy. Their life partners will past away untimely.
Dragons Head ("Rahu")
Dragons Head is the 4th house of the horoscope shows they will have high temperature in their body. They never look future, and they have to leave birth place. They get cheated or they will have problems in property.in their childhood their mother have to treat to them.
Dragons Tail ("Kethu")
Dragon tail is the 4th house of the horoscope shows they are being wise and never get cheated. They have rash in their body. They will have fear in mind. They are learning slowly. Their body is not big. They clan their living place. Their parents have some problems. They are live small new house.