6 th House of the horoscope.

6th house of the horoscope describe about sickness, enemies, pets, servants, mothers brothers and sisters, and mainly stomach, womb, in the body.
Planets are in the 6th house of the horoscope
Sun is in the 6th house of the horoscope shows they have very strong body and they are not fear disease. They have desire. They can face enemies. They are knows how to do the work from others. They live very comfortable.
Moon is in the 6th house of the horoscope shows they have heart or lungs problems. They are not like to foods. They are not very strong. They are face disease very easily. They are illness in their childhood. They have not strong enemies. They treat their workers well. They will have meet problems from women. They are like to fried foods and sweets.
Mercury is in the 6th house of the horoscope shows they are treat their enemies. They have fear to illness. They are not very strong person. They have some problems from the servants. They are Argive with their mother’s relations. They have nerves problem. They have mental problems.
Venus is in the 6th house of the horoscope shows they are very thin and having week. They are very kind. So servants very close to them. Sometimes they have some problems from women. They are lost money. They are like to pets. They have less happiness. They treat to mothers and sisters.
Mars is in the 6th house of the horoscope shows they have very strong body. They are never afraid to enemies. They have high temperature in stomach. If a women they have abortion or difficulties in delivery. They live happily. They have pure heart. They are live with good life partners.
Jupiter in the 6th house of the horoscope shows they are very thin and week. Sometimes they have jaundice. Others are jealous about them. They are very close to mother’s relation. They have not effort to fight enemies. Their children are not close to them.
Saturn is in the 6th house of the horoscope shows they have enemies, but they can handle it. They are never close to servants. They have stomach ache. They are suffering but sometimes they live happily. They are famous from using power. They have mountain and hills property. They are close to mothers relations. They are very active and talented person.
Dragons Head ("Rahu")
Dragons Head is the 6th house of the horoscope shows they are famous and wise people. They are very strong person. They have stomach ache only. They have good life partners, but fewer children. They never associate with unknown person. They are never care about enemies. If a women, they had some problems in delivery.
Dragons Tail ("Kethu")
Dragon tail is the 6th house of the horoscope shows their body is not huge, what they eat. They have malnutrition in their childhood. They are not very strong person. They are not argue with others. They have some problems from women. Their servants are not close to them. They are spend money useless.