The broad consensus on astrological predictions is mixed. In actuality, both perspectives are founded on an incorrect understanding of how astrology actually functions.
Although it might surprise a devout believer, many astrologers think that while astrology might disclose your future inclinations, it cannot give exact forecasts about your future.
It would be a rather accurate forecast if an astrologer told you that on Tuesday, when you are strolling down the street, you would slip and fall, breaking your left wrist as it hits a fire hydrant. But such predictions are never made by astrologers. A more realistic prediction from an astrologer would be: Try to be extra cautious than normal next Tuesday since there is a chance of having an accident. This is a remark about a higher likelihood of a particular sort of occurrence occurring based on specific astrological approaches rather than an exact forecast, of course. The essential power of astrology lies in its ability to notify you of the likelihood that particular events will take place rather than foretelling the future, which is outside the scope of the science.
Astrology isn’t utilized to make future predictions. You may utilize it to assist you in gaining awareness of and comprehension of the recurring themes and trends in your life. Although it’s not definitive, it serves as a guide. Your natal or astrological charts can be changed if you don’t like what they say about you. Astrology can shed light on one possible destiny, but there are too many unknowns, such as the choices you make for yourself, to be able to foretell the future with any degree of certainty.