Aug 06, 2022 Astrology Article

Cancer Zodiac Sing



Believe it or not, the sign of Cancer has virtually little to do with that prickly crustacean. In fact, it’s challenging to define exactly what the Cancer personality is. The sacred scarab was viewed by the ancient Egyptians as Cancer. They frequently carved a scarab into the body where the heart formerly was as part of the mummification process, since it was a symbol of rebirth and immortality.

Cancers have excellent intuition and creativity. They are talented musicians and artists. They don’t want to take chances and will think things over thoroughly before committing to a new project. They are highly kind to others and fiercely protective of those close to them. They will lend a hand in whatever manner they can, but they won’t act hastily and will temper their generosity by first weighing all the hazards. They make terrific family and pet persons because they are sensitive and kind.

The Age of Cancer fell between 8600 and 6450 BCE during the Zodiac Great Year. It was a period when mother deities were highly revered. During this time, copper use was introduced and alcohol fermentation was developed.

Because of their capacity to reason and form their own opinions when presented with information, cancers make excellent journalists, authors, or politicians. They work well in government and perhaps in social service organizations. The reason why cancers are terrific providers is because they value comfort and a nice life. Cancers have a tendency to put things off, which might enrage their relatives. They’re not very adept at following instructions, thus they might not fit well in jobs where they must be humble or obedient.

A diverse range of accomplishments make up Famous Cancers. The Dalai Lama, Sylvester Stallone, the Duke of Windsor, Ernest Hemingway, Robin Williams, and Bob Fosse are among them.

The sign having the greatest potential for harmony with Cancer is Taurus, while Aries has the least chance of doing so.