Leos are one of the rulers of the zodiac(Leo Zodiac Sign). They are warm-hearted and giving, as well as imaginative, devoted, and loving. But they have a tendency to be haughty and smug. Leo was the lion that Hercules killed in Greek mythology as the first of his twelve labors. Leos are impulsive and outgoing. They enjoy being in charge and become effective leaders, much like the king of creatures. They are highly intelligent and have a capacity for philosophy and even religion.
In the astrological Great Year, between 10750 and 8600 BCE, Leo was in his Age. The Stone Age and the earliest communities served as its defining features (Jericho).
A pride is a group of lions, and the Leo personality has this trait as well, sometimes to its harm. However, Leos are also quite disciplined and hardly ever let any personality trait spiral out of hand.
They make loving and dependable spouses, but if this trust is abused, they may feel very betrayed and let down. They often find it challenging to commit to one person for an extended period of time due to their intense sex drive.
Leos have strong egos and enjoy being the center of attention. If they’re not the focus of attention, they could become resentful. Leos occasionally need to be reminded that little is more and that if they stop pushing so hard for attention, they will still be able to draw just as much of it. Once more, it’s that pride thing.
Leos are very prevalent in the entertainment industry. Among them are Roman Polanski and Robert DeNiro, Andy Warhol and Neil Armstrong, and Zelda Fitzgerald and Alexandre Dumas.
Which signs complement the Leo the best and worst. Surprisingly, Aries makes the best match, despite the fact that you’d assume two independent signs like these two wouldn’t get along. But what makes them a good match is their strong moral character and enthusiasm. A Virgo is a Leo’s worst enemy. Leos have a propensity for dominance that is a little too strong for Virgos.