Sep 24, 2022 Astrology Article

Scorpio Zodiac Sign



Scorpio zodiac sign, the Scorpion, is one of the astrology’s most dynamic and potent signs . This person has a captivating personality that is also quite passionate and emotional. They have brash personalities and are probably destined for positions of leadership. Think about some of the complicated, well-known Scorpio characters: Scorpios include Hillary Clinton, Dylan Thomas, Pablo Picasso, Simon & Garfunkel, and both of them. Marie Curie and the poet Sylvia Plath are among the others. A Scorpio was also Marie Antoinette.

Because they are focused, critical, and analytical, Scorpios are more likely than the majority of the population to have genius-level IQs. They frequently defy all rules and might be political fanatics.

The finest love match for a Scorpio is a Capricorn because they have a deep spiritual, almost telepathic understanding of one another. Scorpios passionately and totally devote their hearts.

They can find fulfillment in a variety of jobs since they are so gifted. The surgeon’s ice-cold self-control and detachment, the research scientist’s focus, and the soldier’s valor can all be a result of their inner intensity. They can be drawn to any career that requires them to do analysis, study, deal with practical issues, and solve puzzles. They may be drawn to careers in law enforcement, detective work, espionage, counterespionage, physics, or psychology, and they are capable of becoming experts in both oral and written communication. If they choose to work for the Church, their inner intensity can manifest itself in the spiritual passion of the mystic or the thaumaturgy. They may be the most effective orators and find fulfillment as diplomats or preachers.

The Age of Scorpio is not present in the Astrologers’ Great Year since it will not occur until later. We ponder what traits will define that time period. Will humanity last that long.